wish lists

美 [wɪʃ lɪsts]英 [wɪʃ lɪsts]
  • n.希望一览表(指所有希望得到的东西或全部希望发生的事情)
  • wish list的复数
wish listswish lists
  1. Every Christmas , children make wish lists to send to Santa Claus .


  2. However , wish lists are sometimes confusing , especially about candidates ' soft skills .


  3. Technology doesn 't require fanciful wish lists of requirements ; it just requires code .


  4. Employment ads are employers ' wish lists : We need fast learners , problem solvers and team players .


  5. Conducted by GAME , the study also reveals a significant break from festive tradition when it comes to writing wish lists .


  6. By 1967 , education and intelligence had moved up only one place , to No. 10 , on men 's wish lists .


  7. Environmentalists offer theirs , which too often amount to naive wish lists that could cripple America 's growth .


  8. Cars , Spider-Man and LEGOs also featured in the boys ' top 10 wish lists .


  9. Security , compliance and back-end compatibility have traditionally topped CIO wish lists , not usability .


  10. Such a system is a lot more complicated than simply making a more durable screen , which is high on a lot of customers ' wish lists .


  11. A number of NBA stars are crazy about custom cars-and big , shiny rims top their wish lists .


  12. Hi , everybody . It 's the most wonderful time of the year.Not just for spreading holiday cheer-but also for list makers . You 've got wish lists ;


  13. There 's no shortage of innovative , forward-thinking and * futuristic products on the market today , as technology takes center stage on many people 's festive wish lists .


  14. Not only do they provide calls to their search engine , but they also provide the ability to manage an Amazon user 's shopping cart , wish lists , and wedding registry .


  15. As a result , Li & Fung has a pretty good idea how the Christmas shopping season will shape up long before most children have sent their wish lists to the North Pole .


  16. Wish lists are pouring in from all sides , with a bias towards supply-side reforms aimed at making Britain a lightly-taxed , flexibly-regulated and competitive place to do business .


  17. Once again , digital cameras are rocketing to the top of wish lists , and once again , shoppers are tentatively entering electronics stores with bewildered looks on their faces .
